Email Marketing

icon-email-shadow-170wEmail marketing is the process of emailing a group of people (usually prospects and customers), with the purpose of cultivating a relationship, building trust, and requesting an action such as new business or sales.

Our Email marketing is managed via a dedicated email platform, and marketing system.

Email marketing is considered the #1 direct marketing strategy by many large companies due to the following benefits:

  • Because email is such a regular part of most people’s daily routine, email marketing has a very high reach and is considered an acceptable contact method by recipients.
  • Email marketing is very economical as a large broadcast method.
  • But perhaps most importantly it is very measurable. Email open rates and click-throughs can easily be measured and compared. Email items (such as subject lines and sections within the email) can be tested and constantly improved.


Our Email Marketing packages include:

  • List management, including automatic subscription management and segmentation
  • Targeting and testing – to see what works best for your customers and specific niches
  • Detailed reporting
  • Integration with your website and facebook
  • Auto-responders, for professional, automated business communication


Want to start contacting your members in the most direct, cost effective and measurable way possible?

Contact us now to start your first email marketing campaign.